N7TJ - Dayton, Nv

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"Q" Signals

QNA - Answer in prearranged order.
QNC - All net stations copy.
QND - Net is directed.
QNE - Entire net stand by.
QNF - Net free.
QNG - Take over as net control station.
QNI - Net stations report in.
QNM - You are QRMing the net.
QNN - Net control station is [call sign].
QNO - Station is leaving the net.
QNP - Unable to copy you.
QNS - Following stations are in net.
QNT - I request permission to leave the net.
QNU - The net has traffic for you.
QNX - You are excused from the net.
QNY - Shift to another frequency.
QNZ - Zero beat your signal with mine.
QRG - Will you tell me my exact frequency?
QRH - Does my frequency vary?
QRJ - Are you receiving me badly?
QRK - What is the intelligibility of my signals?
QRL - Are you busy?
QRM - is my transmission being interfered with?
QRN - Are you troubled by static?
QRO - Shall I increase power?
QRP - Shall I decrease power?
QRQ - Shall I send faster?
QRS - Shall I send more slowly?
QRT - Shall I stop sending?
QRU - Have you anything for me?
QRV - Are you ready?
QRX - When will you call me again?
QRY - What is my turn?
QRZ - Who is calling me?
QSA - What is the strength of my signals?
QSB - Are my signals fading?
QSD - Is my keying defective?
QSC - Shall I send messages?
QSK - Can you hear between your signals?
QSL - Can you acknowledge receipt?
QSM - Shall I repeat the last message?
QSN - Did you hear me?
QSO - Can you communicate with me?
QSP - Will you relay?
QST - General call preceding a message.
QSU - Shall I send or reply on this frequency?
QSW - Will you send on this frequency?
QSX - Will you listen?
QSY - Shall I change frequency?
QSZ - Shall I send each word more the once?
QTA - Shall I cancel message?
QTB - Do you agree with my counting of words?
QTC - How many messages have you to send?
QTH - What is your location?
QTR - What is the correct time?